
Are You Social?

October 12, 2022

BY Jackie Bueg

Let's face it we start our year with the best of intentions and a calendar full of ideas. Then life helps you take a detour. It's ok. Unless you have dedicated staff to take care of the posts or handle the intrusions, it happens. And here it is the 4th quarter and everything is going to get busier. Well here's a list to help you get Simply Social.

Simply Social Six

  1. Schedule the same post for different platforms. Use the same message, just tailor the image.
  2. Use a picture and headline as a link to your website. No need to rewrite 'Twas the Night Before Christmas a picture is still worth a thousand words.
  3.  Pop-up Live. No worries about timing. Everyone needs a quick break sometimes. Just keep it around 10 minutes so the boss doesn't catch on.
  4. Ask customers to share a picture of their favorite item while they are shopping and tag your store. Helps them remember what they want for later and create a wish list for friends and relatives. You could even have a "selfie" station with the store info to keep it simple.
  5.  Grateful for our customers posts. Snap a picture of your customers having fun in the store.
  6. Share the love. Post an image of a neighboring local store/restaurant/venue and give them a shout-out.